Genital Warts Complications

Genital warts are not associated with any major health risks or complications. However, on rare occasions genital warts can perpetuate exiting medical problems or they can indirectly put you at risk for other diseases. These complications of genital warts are rare, but it is important to be aware of possible health risks associated with infection so that you can seek appropriate treatment to minimize your risk.

Extensive Outbreaks

Genital warts can sometimes grow out of control and cover extensive areas of the body. As a result, you may suffer from increased itching and bleeding. This can also lead to secondary infections in the warts, infection of the surrounding tissue, swelling, and problems with your immune system.

Genital Warts and Other Infections

Genital warts are commonly associated with other sexually transmitted diseases and vaginal infections. Warts provide entry points for other illnesses, including Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and HIV. Twenty percent of women with vaginal warts also suffer from vaginal infections, including Trichomoniasis and yeast infections.

Vaginal Warts and Pregnancy

Vaginal warts can also cause complications during pregnancy. Hormones released during pregnancy can cause vaginal warts to grow at accelerated speeds. These large genital warts can block your urinary tract, making urination difficult, inhibit the elasticity of your vaginal walls during labor, and they can block the baby from coming out.

Rarely, pregnant women with vaginal warts can pass the virus along to their newborn. Some newborns are born with genital warts in their throats. These warts can be life threatening, as they can block the baby's airway. Newborns require immediate treatment for genital warts. Also, pregnant women have limited medical treatment options available for their warts due to possible risks to their babies.

Vaginal Warts and Cervical Cancer

HPV, the virus causing genital warts, is also associated with increased cancer rates among men and women. In particular, some HPV strains have been related to cervical cancer in women and penile cancer in men. Though the HPV strain that causes vaginal warts does not cause cervical cancer, it is a good idea for women to get checked every year by taking the Pap test.